Local Presence Advanced


Ideal for businesses to establish local online visibility and wider reach with the syndication and monitoring of 50 local search engines, directories, and review sites.


The SEO | Local Presence Advanced offering includes:

  • -Creating listings in the top 50 local search engines, directories, and review sites
  • -Monitoring and fixing duplicate business listings in Google My Business, Bing Local, Facebook Places & Yelp
  • -Monitoring and fixing inconsistent local business listings
  • -Optimizing Google My Business, Bing Local, Apple Maps, Facebook Places & Yelp business listings

Our Process :

  • Listings Assessment: We do a thorough audit of your client’s local presence and gather information about verified, duplicate, inconsistent, and missing business listings.
  • Eliminate Duplicate Listings: We eliminate duplicate listings by claiming and removing the ones we no longer need to display in search.
  • Fixing Inconsistent Listings: We eliminate inconsistencies in listings by claiming and modifying the data that is reported as inaccurate.


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